Amazon’s Them (2021): Fighting The Cult of ‘whiteness’

Dani Bethea
6 min readApr 2, 2021

…and the dismantling of anti-blackness.

Deborah Ayorinde as Lucky Emory in Amazon’s Them (2021).

*Warning! Spoilers ahead.*

Amazon’s Them (2021), despite all of my predictions in my trailer analysis, did do something vital and imperative: critique ‘whiteness’ and white supremacy. I clocked a lot of the series themes in my initial analyses of the trailer, so if you’d like to read that first I’d highly…



Dani Bethea

Horror Sommelier & Pop Culture Pontificator. Prev EIC: We Are Horror. Published: Studies In the Fantastic + Women of Jenji Kohan + Montréal Monstrum Society .